Dr Faith Mabiki

Dr Faith Mabiki is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Physics at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. She holds a PhD in Natural Products Chemistry. Faith seeks to advance natural products quality for market in order to contribute to people’s livelihoods. With her science background, she seeks to contribute to her country’s development through evidence-informed decision-making approaches.

Faith is a principle investigator for several projects: Valorization of Potentials of Synadenium glaucescens (SG), Phytochemicals for Management of Important Human and Animal Diseases, VASPHAD (as postdoctoral opportunity funded by AAS) and Green Resources Innovation for Livelihood Improvement, GRILI (funded by DANIDA), and Capacity Building and Promotion of EIDM among Researchers and Policymakers for Enhanced Evidence use in Tanzania (CREPEE; funded by AFIDEP).