Prof. Jane Ambuko holds a BSc in Agriculture and MSc in Horticulture from the University of Nairobi as well as a PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Pomology and Postharvest Major) from Tsukuba University, Japan. She currently holds the position of Associate Professor and Head of Horticulture at the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Her training, research, and outreach activities are focused on sustainable and effective solutions to reduce postharvest losses in horticultural value chains. Prof. Ambuko has supervised over 30 students undertaking MSc and PhD research in various Agricultural disciplines. Together with her students and research collaborators, Prof. Ambuko has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and presented over 100 papers in national and international conferences. Using the “lab-to-land” approach, Prof. Ambuko works with smallholder farmers and other food value chain practitioners in various capacity building and technology scale-up initiatives. Among other stakeholder convenings, Prof. Ambuko is credited with driving the All-Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition – a biennial event aimed at creating awareness and showcasing sustainable solutions to postharvest food loss and waste in the African Context.