Dr Peter Ho (PhD Food Science and Engineering) is a Lecturer in Food Processing in the School of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Leeds. He has been the Programme Manager of the MSc Food Quality and Innovation since 2010 and sits on the Business, Environment, and Social Sciences Faculty Research Ethics Committee and the Faculty of Environment’s Teaching Enhancement and Digital Education Group. He believes in the principles of open research and the benefits of interdisciplinary collaborations in tackling multifaceted problems in the food environment.
Dr Ho’s main research interests are in food choice and sensory science. His current focus has been on developing objective and invariant measures, as applied to the measurement of food acceptability, perceived satiety, and healthy eating. He has published articles in Food Quality and Preference, Food Chemistry, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, and Chemometrics and Chemical Laboratory Systems. He is the Co-Editor of `Case studies in food safety and environmental health’ and `Experiments in unit operations and processing of foods’ from the Springer series on Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain.
He is a former board member of the ISEKI-Food Association and was a work package leader in a number of European-funded projects (ISEKI_Food4, Track_Fast, and European FOOD-STA) that focused on food science education, teacher training, and career development between 2009 and 2018. In 2016, he was recognised for his contributions by being nominated as a member of the ISEKI-Food Academy.