Dr Roselyne Alphonce

Dr Roselyne Alphonce is a lecturer and a coordinator for postgraduate studies in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at the College of Economics and Business Studies (CoEBS), Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. Roselyne is also a technical committee member of the Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO). Roselyne has a PhD in Economics, with specialisation in Food, Consumer, and Experimental Economics, from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Her research over the years has focused on both the downstream and upstream parts of the value chain, with a specific interest in food, food quality interventions (food safety, food standards, and nutrition), consumer preference, experimental economics, non-market valuation techniques, value chain analysis, land dynamics, and food systems.  Some of the research projects that she has worked on included assessing consumer preference and WTP (willingness to pay) for safe, nutritious, and quality foods; assessing the penetration of processed foods into rural and urban towns in Tanzania, which included studying retailing and distribution channels; mapping needs and actions for food and nutrition security, under the Ending Rural Hunger project; studying sunflower and chicken value chains; and looking at the synergies between small-, medium-, and large-scale farmers. Roselyne has published various articles in international peer-reviewed journals. She enjoys teaching and studying consumer food behaviour.