Dr Stellah Mukhovi is a postdoctoral scholar and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya. She is a human geographer specialising in agricultural geography, with a PhD from the University of Nairobi. Her research focuses on food security, gender issues in agriculture, food systems social-ecological resilience, food sustainability, rural livelihoods, sustainable land management, and agricultural productivity. She has benefited from funding from SNF and the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development in postdoctoral research on food systems resilience, local food system sustainable transformations (Transformative Pilot Actions), and research knowledge utilisation for r4d-funded research projects in the Global South. In addition, she is interested in how research contributes to transformation at community and policy levels. Her research activities have been multidisciplinary; however, she has a strong belief in utilising a transdisciplinary approach, where scientists work with societal actors to create sustainable solutions in food systems. The most interesting part of her career has been twofold: mentoring students to achieve their dreams and working with communities to create innovations that increase food and nutrition security, resilience, and household incomes.