Dr Steven Sait

Dr Steven Sait

Dr Steven Sait is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Ecology in the School of Biology, University of Leeds, UK. He would like his research to make a difference to people and to the natural world. For more than 25 years, his primary research has been on the interactions between species and how those associations are affected by environmental change, with a particular interest in trophic interactions, such as those between predators and their prey, and parasitic wasps and their hosts. Most recently, his research has focused on ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes in the UK and Africa, especially the role of natural enemies in regulating crop pests, as well as investigating how climate change and farm management, such as biocontrol practices, can impact on food production. Increasingly important in his research is his engagement in interdisciplinary projects, which bring together ecologists, social and policy scientists, and climate and mathematical modelers. Outside of academia, but often at the same time, Steve likes to combine his passion for good food with travel to exciting places.