Professor Felix Ankomah Asante is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Development at the University of Ghana. Prof. Felix Asante was formerly Director of the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of the University of Ghana (2013 to 2019). He is a member of the Grant Review Committee of the Board of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) based in Kenya and a Thematic Resource Person for the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP). He is a board member of the International Center for Evaluation Development (ICED) based in Kenya. Felix is the President of the Ghana Association of Agricultural Economics; and a member of the Africa Association of Agricultural Economics, and the Ghana Science Association. He is also the President of the 1983 PRESEC Old Students Association. He holds a PhD in Agriculture Science (Agriculture Economics) from the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany.